Clackamas Community College Transfer

The following transfer equivalency listings are a guideline for unofficial review. Final transfer decisions are made by the records office.


CCC-to-WWU Transfer Course Equivalency

CCC Class

WWU Equivalent


ALS 203American Sign LanguageNOEQ 199No Equivalency


AM 106Fix Your Own CarAUTO 114Personal Car Care


ANT 101Physical AnthropologyANTH 199Transfer Elective
ANT 102Archaeology & PrehistoryANTH 199Transfer Elective
ANT 103Cultural AnthropologyANTH 225Cultural Anthropology
ANT 232Indians of North AmericaANTH 199Transfer Elective


ART 101Art AppreciationART 198Transfer General Studies
ART 131Drawing: Still Life & LandscapeART 199Transfer Elective
ART 194Watercolor PaintingART 199Transfer Elective
ART 204History of Western ArtART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 205History of Western ArtART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 206History of Western ArtART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 250Ceramics/BeginningART 284Intro to Pottery I
ART 251Ceramics/BeginningART 285Intro to Pottery II
ART 277Welding: Metal SculptureART 199Transfer Elective
ART 281Painting/BeginningART 194Still Life Painting
ART 282Painting/BeginningART 194Still Life Painting
ART 293SculptureART 266Intro to Sculpture III


ASC 200Natural Science InquiryGESC 198Science Transfer Course


ASL 101American Sign Language INOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 101American Sign LanguageNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 102American Sign Language IINOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 102American Sign LanguageNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 103American Sign LanguageNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 201American Sign LanguageNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 202American Sign LanguageNOEQ 199No Equivalency


BA 101Introduction to BusinessGBUS 160Intro to Business
BA 111General Accounting INOEQ 199No Equivalency
BA 131Introduction to Business ComputingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BA 206Management FundamentalsMGMT 199Transfer Elective


BI 101General Biology; Cellular BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 101General BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 102General BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 103General Biology; Plants & EcosystemBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 103General BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 112Gen Bio/Health ScienceBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 112Gen Biology for Health SciencesBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 112Gen Biology/Health ScienceBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 112Gen. Bio/Health ScienceBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 211Biology (Science Majors)BIOL 141Gen Biology
BI 231Human Anatomy/Physiology IBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy/Physiology IIBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy/Physiology IIIBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 234Introductory MicrobiologyBIOL 222Microbiology


BT 120Personal KeyboardingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BT 160Microsoft Word for WindowsNOEQ 199No Equivalency


CH 104Introductory ChemistryCHEM 101Introductory Chemistry
CH 105Introduction to ChemistryCHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CH 105Introductory ChemistryCHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CH 106Introductory ChemistryCHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CH 106Introductory ChemistryCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 112Chemistry for Health ScienceCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 112Chemistry for Health SciencesCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 112Intro Chemistry/ Health ScienceCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 112Intro Chemistry/Health ScienceCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 221General ChemistryCHEM 141General Chemistry
CH 221General ChemistryCHEM 144General Chemistry Lab
CH 222General ChemistryCHEM 142General Chemistry
CH 222General ChemistryCHEM 145General Chemistry Lab
CH 223General ChemistryCHEM 143General Chemistry
CH 223General ChemistryCHEM 146General Chemistry Lab


CJA 130Intro to CorrectionsCORR 285Intro to Criminal Justice
CJA 203Crisis InterventionCORR 199Transfer Elective
CJA 210Criminal Investigation ICORR 285Intro to Criminal Justice
CJA 213Interview & InterrogationCORR 199Transfer Elective
CJA 280Crim Justice/Corrections/CWECORR 199Transfer Elective


CLA 100Introduction to Health CareNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CLA 100Introduction to HealthcareNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CLA 101Clinical Lab Assist Skills INOEQ 199No Equivalency
CLA 102Clinical Lab Assist Skills IINOEQ 199No Equivalency
CLA 103Clinical Lab Assist SkillsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CLA 125Intro to Clinical ResearchNOEQ 199No Equivalency


COMM 111Fund of Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 111Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 126Communication Between SexesCOMM 199Transfer Elective


CS 120Survey of ComputingCIS 140Bus Analytics with Excel
CS 120Survey of ComputingCPTR 110Prin of Computing
CS 125HHTML & Web Site DesignCPTR 199Transfer Elective
CS 125HHTML & Web Site DesignGRPH 263Web Design Studio
CS 133VBVisual Basic.NET ICPTR 199Transfer Elective
CS 233VBVisual Basic.NET IICPTR 199Transfer Elective


DMC 104Digital Video EditingFLTV 199Transfer Elective
DMC 247Music, Sound & MoviemakingNOEQ 199No Equivalency


EC 201Principles of Economics - MicroeconomicsECON 212Prin of Microeconomics
EC 202Principles of Economics - MacroeconomicsECON 211Prin of Macroeconomics


ED 246School, Family & Comm RelationNOEQ 199No Equivalency


EL 111College Study SkillsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
EL 120Early College OdysseyNOEQ 199No Equivalency


ENG 104Intro to Literature: FictionENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 104Intro to Literature: FictionENGL 204Intro to Literature
ENG 105Intro to Literature: DramaENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 106Intro to Literature: PoetryENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 109World Literature: Romantic-ModernENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 109World LiteratureENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 225Creative Nonfiction LiteratureENGL 199Transfer Elective
ENG 253American Literature, Part 1ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 254American Literature, Part 2ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 255Survey of American LiteratureENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 270Intro to Literary CriticismENGL 199Transfer Elective


ESR 173Environmental ScienceENVI 199Transfer Elective


FN 225NutritionHLTH 220Human Nutrition


FR 101First-Year French IFREN 101Elementary French
FR 101First-Year FrenchFREN 101Elementary French
FR 102First-Year French IIFREN 102Elementary French
FR 102First-Year FrenchFREN 102Elementary French
FR 103First-Year French IIIFREN 103Elementary French
FR 103First-Year FrenchFREN 103Elementary French
FR 201Second-Year French IFREN 201Intermediate French
FR 202Second-Year French IIFREN 202Intermed French
FR 203Second-Year French IIIFREN 198Transfer General Studies


FRP 244Survivor II: WildernessNOEQ 199No Equivalency


G 103General GeologyGESC 198Science Transfer Course


GEO 100Introduction to Physical GeographyNOEQ 199No Equivalency
GEO 110Cultural & Human GeographyGEOG 199Geography Elective
GEO 130Intro to Environ GeographyGEOG 198Transfer Course
GEO 208Geography of US & CanadaGEOG 199Geography Elective


GER 101First-Year GermanGRMN 101Elementary German
GER 102First-Year GermanGRMN 102Elementary German
GER 103First-Year GermanGRMN 103Elementary German


GRN 181Issues in AgingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
GRN 182Aging and the BodyNOEQ 199No Equivalency
GRN 183Death & DyingSOWK 199Transfer Elective


GS 107AstronomyASTR 198Transfer General Studies


HD 100College SurvivalGNRL 101University Experience
HD 100College SurvivalGNRL 102On Course
HD 100New Student ExperienceGNRL 101University Experience
HD 120College SuccessGNRL 101University Experience
HD 140Career ExplorationCDEV 210Career Exploration & Prep
HD 180Career Development InternshipNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HD 180Career Development InternshipsNOEQ 199No Equivalency


HDF 247Preschool Child DevelopmentNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HDF 260Child Abuse and NeglectNOEQ 199No Equivalency


HE 152Body & Drugs IIHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 199Intro to Plant Based LivingHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 204Nutrition & Weight ControlHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 249Mental HealthNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HE 252First Aid/CPR/AEDHLTH 217First Aid
HE 252First Aid/CPRHLTH 217First Aid
HE 255Body and AlcoholHLTH 208Drugs & Society


HPE 295Health & Fitness for LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living
HPE 295Health and Fitness for LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living


HST 101Hist of Western CivilizationHIST 120Hist of Western Civ
HST 101History of Western CivilizationHIST 120Hist of Western Civ
HST 102Hist of Western CivilizationHIST 121The West and the World
HST 102History of Western CivilizationHIST 121The West and the World
HST 103Hist of Western CivilizationHIST 122The West and the World
HST 137History of Science, Medicine & TechnologyNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HST 201History of the United StatesHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 201History of the United StatesHIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 201History of the United StatesHIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HST 202History of the United StatesHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 202History of the United StatesHIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 202History of the United StatesHIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HST 203History of the United StatesHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 203History of the United StatesHIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 203History of the United StatesHIST 222Hist of the U.S.


HUM 160Faith & ReasonHMNT 198Transfer General Studies


J 134PhotojournalismJOUR 245Media Writing


LIB 101Intro to Library ResearchNOEQ 199No Equivalency


MA 110Medical TerminologyNRSG 234Medical Terminology


MTH 105Intro to Contemporary MathMATH 105Finite Mathematics
MTH 105Introduction to Contemporary MathematicsMATH 105Finite Mathematics
MTH 105Math in SocietyMATH 105Finite Mathematics
MTH 111College AlgebraMATH 121Precalculus I
MTH 112Trigonometry/Pre-CalculusMATH 122Precalculus II
MTH 205A Bridge to University MathNOEQ 199No Equivalency
MTH 243Probability & StatisticsMATH 206Intro to Statistics
MTH 243Statistics IMATH 106Intro to Statistics
MTH 243Statistics IMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 243Statistics IMATH 206Intro to Statistics
MTH 244Statistics IIMATH 106Intro to Statistics
MTH 244Statistics IIMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 244Statistics IIMATH 206Intro to Statistics
MTH 251Calculus IMATH 181Calculus I
MTH 252Calculus IIMATH 281Calculus II


MUP 100Individual Lessons, Non-Music MajorsMUPF 127Applied Music


MUS 101Music FundamentalsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
MUS 105Music AppreciationMUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 111Music Theory IMUCT 121Theory I
MUS 141Intro to the Music BusinessNOEQ 199No Equivalency
MUS 206Music Lit: History of RockMUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 230Music Media: Sex, Drugs, RockMUHL 198Transfer General Studies


PE 185Basketball/AdvancedPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Basketball/BeginningPEAC 171Basketball
PE 185Basketball/IntermediatePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Bowling/IntermediatePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Cardo Circuit IIIPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Cross Training I/BeginningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Cross Training III/BeginningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Personlized Total Body CondPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Pilates IPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Pilates IIPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Plyometrics IIPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Rock Climbing/BeginningPEAC 161Rock Climbing
PE 185Rock Climbing/IntermediatePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Self Defense IIPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Self DefensePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Soccer/BeginningPEAC 174Soccer
PE 185Stability Ball Core TrainingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Tennis/BeginningPEAC 146Tennis
PE 185Tennis/BeginningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Track Conditioning/IntermedPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Volleyball/BeginningPEAC 177Volleyball
PE 185Volleyball/IntermediatePEAC 177Volleyball
PE 185Weight Training/BeginningPEAC 123Circuit Weight Training
PE 185Weight Training/IntermediatePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Yoga IPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Yoga IIPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Yoga IIIPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Zumba IIIPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185Zumba, Strength Intervals/BegPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 194Track & Field Skills & StrategPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 260Care/Prevent of Ath InjuriesPETH 225Prevention of Injuries


PH 122General AstronomyASTR 198Transfer General Studies
PH 201General PhysicsPHYS 211Gen Physics
PH 201General PhysicsPHYS 214Gen Physics Lab


PHL 101Philosophical ProblemsPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHL 101Philosophical ProblemsPHIL 205Intro to Philosophy
PHL 102EthicsPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHL 103Critical ReasoningPHIL 204Essentials Critical Reasoning
PHL 210Philosophy of ReligionPHIL 198Transfer General Studies


PSY 101Human RelationsPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 110Psychology: An OverviewPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 200Psych As a Natural SciencePSYC 130General Psychology
PSY 200Psych as a Natural SciencePSYC 130General Psychology
PSY 200Psychology as a Natural SciencePSYC 130General Psychology
PSY 205Psychology as a Social SciencePSYC 130General Psychology
PSY 214Introduction to PersonalityPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 215Intro to Developmental PsychPSYC 215Developmental Psychology
PSY 219Introduction to Abnormal PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 221Introduction to CounselingPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 231Intro to Human SexualityPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 240Interper Awareness & GrowthPSYC 199Transfer Elective


PSYC 200Psych as a Natural ScienceNOEQ 199No Equivalency


R 101Comparative ReligionsRETR 198Transfer Religion Course
R 102Comparative ReligionsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
R 103Comparative ReligionsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
R 204History of ChristianityRETR 198Transfer Religion Course
R 210World ReligionsRETR 198Transfer Religion Course
R 211History of the Old TestamentRETR 198Transfer Religion Course
R 212History of the New TestamentRETR 198Transfer Religion Course


RET 200Renewable Energy SystemsNOEQ 199No Equivalency


RUS 101First-Year RussianMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
RUS 102First-Year RussianMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
RUS 103First-Year RussianMDLG 198Transfer General Studies


SOC 204Introduction to SociologySOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 204The Sociological PerspectiveSOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 205Social Strat & Social SystemsSOCI 198Transfer General Studies
SOC 206Institutions & Social ChangeSOCI 198Transfer General Studies
SOC 210Marriage/Fam/Intim RelationsSOCI 225Marriage & Family Life
SOC 225Social ProblemsSOCI 234Current Social Problems


SP 100Basic Speech CommunicationSPCH 199Transfer Elective
SP 111Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm


SPN 101First-Year Spanish ISPAN 101Elementary Spanish
SPN 101First-Year SpanishSPAN 101Elementary Spanish
SPN 102First-Year Spanish IISPAN 102Elementary Spanish
SPN 102First-Year SpanishSPAN 102Elementary Spanish
SPN 103First-Year Spanish IIISPAN 103Elementary Spanish
SPN 103First-Year SpanishSPAN 103Elementary Spanish
SPN 201Second-Year Spanish ISPAN 201Intermediate Spanish
SPN 202Second-Year Spanish IISPAN 202Intermediate Spanish
SPN 203Second-Year Spanish IIISPAN 198Transfer General Studies


WR 121English CompositionENGL 121College Writing I
WR 121English CompositionENGL 122College Writing II
WR 121English CompositionENGL 223Research Writing
WR 122English CompositionENGL 121College Writing I
WR 122English CompositionENGL 122College Writing II
WR 122English CompositionENGL 223Research Writing
WR 123English CompositionENGL 223Research Writing
WR 222English CompositionENGL 122College Writing II
WR 222English CompositionENGL 223Research Writing
WR 227Technical Report WritingNOEQ 199No Equivalency


WS 101Intro to Women's StudiesNOEQ 199No Equivalency
WS 101Women's StudiesNOEQ 199No Equivalency


Z 201General ZoologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
Z 202General ZoologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
Z 203General ZoologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
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